The Jesse Brown VA Summer Clinical Immersion Program resulted from the collaboration between the community based Physician Mentoring Pipeline Program, I Am Abel Foundation and the Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Hospital, specifically the Jesse Brown for Black Lives Task Force. Recognizing the need for our major academic and training institutions to lead the way in promoting diversity in both society and medicine, we combined our collective research and vision. It is our fervent belief that through our investment in these exceptional Chicago area youth, we will help to close the healthcare equity and death gaps that selectively impact vulnerable, underserved and minority communities. Our shared goal is to diversify the fields of medicine by preparing underrepresented youth to serve their communities with passion, purpose and excellence.
The Jesse Brown VAMC Clinical Immersion Experience provides underrepresented pre- medical students an unparalleled opportunity to gain clinical exposure, while simultaneously attending lectures and completing a quality improvement project. Further, this program provides underrepresented medical students the opportunity to develop and teach lectures, apply their medical knowledge through clinical exposure, strengthen leadership skills through supervision of premedical students, and learn about the intricacies of the VA medical system. The Jesse Brown VA Clinical Immersion Program aims to provide pre-med students an unparalleled clinical, educational, and service experience that will prepare them for their journey in medicine. The selection process for the scholars is highly selective. Students chosen to participate, have a demonstrated commitment to pursuing a career in medicine and are committed to becoming our next generation of healthcare heroes that will one day provide the highest level of compassionate, competent, and culturally sensitive healthcare to vulnerable populations including many of our U.S. Veterans.
For the JBVA Summer Scholars program Brochure, please click here>
To apply for this program, please click here>