Check out I Am Abel Foundation Mentees and Physician Mentors as featured on the podcast, “On Becoming a Healer” with Saul Weiner, MD and Stefan Kertesz, MD.
Last month I shared an episode from a podcast I co-host, On Becoming a Healer, which explores the dysfunctions of medical training and the culture that shapes the personal and professional development of physicians. That episode was titled Rescuing Medical Professionalism: Could “Could ‘cup-of-coffee conversations’ do more good than committee review and letters-to-the-file?”
Today we released Pursuing a Medical Career While Black: What it Takes and Why it Matters. We hear from three young people about their journeys. The extreme underrepresentation of Blacks in medicine should be a source of deep concern for the profession and for society, as a matter of social justice as well as patient care.
The passion of these young men and woman is inspiring, and the mentorship opportunities provided by pipeline programs like the I Am Abel Foundation which has been central to their lives, offers hope. If you like this podcast, which is non-commercial, please share with others.
Also, please share this episode with any colleagues who work with programs designed to improve access to a medical education for underrepresented minorities.
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