Because the scales of justice are not always balanced in health, law and community, I Am Abel Foundation and I Am Abel Law have teamed up for this year's student conference to create two highly impactful and independent tracks in both Medicine and Law yet with powerful overlap in all the right topics. So make sure to join us for the 6th Annual Chicago Health, Medical and Law Careers Citywide Student Conference. We will tackle topics relative to health, social equity and diversity in Medicine and Law! We are expecting over 600+ Attendees from all over Chicago with most of our students from vulnerable populations underrepresented in both medicine and law.
This transformational conference will provide unprecedented opportunities for middle school, high school, college, graduate level students, adult learners and beyond! There are also separate tracks just for our Chicago area Medical Students to help them gain proficiency in areas where they need to shine on their clinical rotations. You can expect the same great quality that you have come to know in our previous Citywide Health Conferences with over 80+ workshops, panel discussions, plenary sessions and more. There will be an Exhibitor Hall with representation in both medicine and law with everything from academic institutions, test prep, the military academies, pharma and more.
Save the date: May 18-20, 2023, Thursday - Saturday
Rush University Medical Center
Our Heroes of Tomorrow Fighting for Equity and Justice in Health and Law Today
Registration opens FEB 18, 2023. Click here>
To learn more visit for details