I Am Abel Foundation's 1st episode of Medicine Makers, on CAN-TV, Channel 21 and 99 was a success. It was hosted by Dr Toyin Falusi,I AM ABEL FOUNDATION Founding Board Member along with Student Coordinator, Magnolia Oliver.
Medicine Makers is every Tuesday at 6:30. Stream it live at cantv.org/hotline. Call in at 312.738-1060.
This show is guaranteed to deliver NEWS YOU CAN USE for all of our aspiring physicians and healthcare professionals in the Chicagoland area!
This programming is devoted to CHICAGO'S STUDENTS, particularly those from marginalized and underrepresented communities who dream of becoming physicians that are true change agents for their communities and who will bring compassion, healing and true equity to medicine.
If you have EVER been told that you CAN'T DO IT - we are here to tell you YES YOU CAN!! and HERE'S HOW. To learn more about us visit our website at www.iamabel.org where applications are now open for our upcoming mentoring class !!