1 Because I am Abel,
I am able to blaze through every door of opportunity
but leave a wedge in the door so that others may follow.
2 Because I am Abel,
I will take responsibility for my own destination,
and uplift my brothers who seek to do the same.
3 Because I am Abel,
I will see my brothers as a reflection of myself.
4 Because I am Abel,
I shall not allow myself to be deterred by the social conventions that have been set out to limit my success.
5 Because I am Abel,
I am not afraid to take the road less travelled.
6 Because I am Abel,
I will fight the good fight of faith and always remember
that a dream deferred is not a dream denied.
7 Because I am Abel,
I am able to rise from defeat and
refuse to give up on my aspirations.
8 Because I am Abel,
I am able to use my words and acitons to uplift,
increasing the confidence of my brothers and myself.
9 Because I am Abel,
I am able to channel my ambitions to achieve my goals and will not allow anything to stand between my destiny and me.
10 Because I am Abel,
I will remember that failure is a part of success,
and if I do not allow it to break me, it will make me stronger.